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螢幕截圖 2023-05-29 下午2.39.18.png

​與畫師Declan Yau 進行漫畫合作

​​Collaboration with Declan Yau 

人氣漫畫家Declan Yau 曾於九展舉辦活動,他對本會理念深感認同,故此,創作一系列的「正向漫畫」,希望透過輕鬆的手法,讓大眾更能了解箇中精神。
Notable comic illustrationist Declan Yau has held activities in the KITEEC before. He deeply agrees with the mission of our organization. Thus, the project of positive comics would be held in the coming future. Through comics, people are able to understand the importance of growth mindset in a relaxing way.

App Screens

與技術開發員William Lam 進行app研發
Collaboration with William Lam

William Lam 曾幫助知名公司製作數十款app,他十分認同本會理念,故此與本會共同製作「正向靜觀體驗APP」,在此App 中,大家可以放鬆心情,締造正向人生。
App developer William Lam has made over 10 apps for notable companies. He deeply agrees with our mission and collaborates with us on the project of Positive education and Mindfulness App. In the app, users are able to do self-rumination and practice mindfulness.

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