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About Positive Education

關於正向教育 About Positive Education: FAQ


正向教育是應用正向心理學的理念於學校環境中,並協助個人邁向完滿。正向心理學是一門透過以驗證為基礎的社會科學,以研究個人品格強項、建立正面情緒和快樂感為重點。相對傳統心理學將焦點放在解釋負向情緒的發展或影響;正向心理學則著重全人發展,以發掘、培養和發揮個人的長處和潛能為目標,推動個人發展正面的元素如樂觀、愉快和互愛等,積極面對生活中的壓力和挑戰,從而邁向圓滿的人生 (湯國鈞、 姚穎詩、 邱敏儀,2010)。




「正向教育」沿自美國心理學家 Martin Seligman 的正向心理,早在十年前起在澳洲 Geelong Grammar School 發展,其成效得到認同。現時該校已成立了Geelong Positive Education Institute 在澳洲及世界各地推動正向教育。學校参考海外多所院校推行多年的「正向教育」,期望透過未來幾年的計劃發展全面而有系統的校本「正向教育」課程,同時把生命教育和班級經營融合其中。

What are Positive Education and Positive Psychology?

Positive Education is an approach to applying positive psychology to help individuals to flourish in education setting. Positive psychology is a field of social sciences supported with empirical base, in studying the relationship among character strengths, positive emotions and happiness. In contrast to the conventional approach of psychology in focusing on the impact of psychopathology on personal development, positive psychology emphasizes on holistic development. It aims to help individuals in discovering, nurturing, and utilizing their character strengths and potentials, and in facilitating personal development on positive elements such as optimism, joyfulness, and love; and in turn, people can better encounter their stress and challenges in daily life, and ultimately to have a flourishing life (Tang, Yao & Qin,  2010) .


Positive Education emphasized on the physical and mental health of individuals, fostering a flourishing life. Thus, education focuses on the strengths of personalities, health and well-being. This lead to the establishment of constructing positive emotions, resilience and better interpersonal communication. Eventually, individuals are able to enjoy meaningful and joyous lives.

Daily Application

Positive Education originated from American psychologist Martin Seligman's Positive Mindset Theory. In the last decade, Positive Education was started by the Geelong Grammar School, Australia. The school had further developed into the Geelong Positive Education Institute, promoting Positive Education in the world. It aimed to amalgamate with life education and fit into the curriculum of governments all over the world in the coming future.

關於正向教育 About Positive Education: FAQ


  • 正向心理學的主題是「幸福」,它是一個貌似簡單但又極其複雜的概念,也是人類從古至今就不斷努力地擁有和追求的目標。幸福有五個可以測量的元素(PERMA),當中包括 正向情緒、全情投入、人際關係、意義和成就感。不過,這些元素沒有哪一個可以單獨界定幸福,但是它們都對建立幸福有莫大的貢獻。

  • 正向情緒:正向情緒是幸福理論的基石,它就是指可以讓我們產生愉悅、高興、溫暖、舒服等主觀的感覺,能夠成功引導到這種元素的生活,稱之為愉悅的生活 (Pleasant Life)。

  • 全情投入:當人集中在做一些他真正享受和重視的事情,就會全心投入在此時此刻。在正向心理學中,這種投入的狀態,稱為「神馳」(FLOW)。

  • 正向關係:正向關係包括定期接觸溝通及進行活動、互相關心及幫助,和互相欣賞及表達謝意。這些正向關係使個人得到聆聽、安慰、鼓勵和提醒,令自己有足夠的能力面對困難和逆境。

  • 意義:意義是個人的歸屬感,這個東西給個人帶來超越它本身的價值。若果人要感到幸福快樂,就必須感到生活有意義和有價值。

  • 成就感:成就感是一個人完成一件事情或者做一件事情時,為自己所做的事情感到愉快或成功的感覺。

關於正向教育 About Positive Education: Image


  • One of the main themes in positive psychology is “flourishing”. This is a seemingly simple yet very complex concept and it is a goal that human beings are long striving for. Flourishing comprises five measurable elements (PERMA), namely Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationship, Meaning, and Achievement. No sole elements can determine flourishing, but the holistic nurturing on all these aspects contributes to our flourishing life.

  • Positive Emotion: Positive emotion builds the foundation of the flourishing theory. In positive psychology, we try to incorporate the positive emotions like joyfulness, contentment, warmth, and comfort into daily life, of which we can call it a “Pleasant Life”.

  • Engagement: Engagement depicts that when a person concentrates on a thing that he or she genuinely enjoys and values, the person would enter a state that is fully “absorbed” in the things he or she is doing; we call this state as “flow” in positive psychology.

  • Meaning: Meaning can be described as a personal commitment on a thing that provides a sense of transcendence to the person. A meaningful and valuable life is vital to the path of flourishing.

  • Achievements: Accomplishment is another important thing that contributes to our ability to flourish. A person strives to better self in some ways, whether he or she is seeking to master a skill, achieve a valuable goal, or win in some competitive event.

關於正向教育 About Positive Education: Image
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