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Image by NeONBRAND


Step 2: Teaching and Learning: Lessons
Image by NeONBRAND


Students are assigned to a specific role and express their opinions. In the task, students should use their critical thinking skills and independent thinking skills to voice out their ideas. Even though they share different opinions, it is a good opportunity for ideas exchange. Quotations from different historians and famous politicians will be given so they can have different thinking perspectives towards the same incident. Henceforth, students can wear shoes of the others, cultivating historical empathy, which is an important attitude in learning history. 

Taking the Appeasement Policy as an example, the teachers ask "if you were a British citizen in the 1930s, would you support the policy? Why?" Students can choose whether they support the policy or not. They have to address their rationale after stating their stance and respond to their classmates. 

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